Guidelines for authors

Archivos de Neurociencias does not issues nor does it receive payments for the sending, processing or publication of manuscripts. Consult our Open Access Policy.

The submitted manuscripts should be unpublished and the authors should not submit their work simultaneously to other journals. Submission of a paper will be held to imply that it represents original research not previously published (except in the form of an abstract or academic thesis), that it is not being considered for publication elsewhere. The manuscripts should include a Cover letter, a template for this document is provided here. It is MANDATORY to submitt the Cover letter using this template.


Archivos de Neurociencias receives manuscripts written in both English (either American or British, but no mixture of them) and Spanish. It is the responsibility of the author to warrant the accuracy of the content of the submitted articles. Regardless of the submission language, all accepted manuscripts will be published in both English and Spanish, translations will be performed by the journal at no cost for authors. Manuscripts accepted for publications will go through language editing by the journal before publication.

Submission requirements

Manuscripts that are submitted for possible publication in Archivos de Neurociencias must submit the following complete documentation in its final version through the Open Journal System (OJS) platform, submissions through other means will not be considered. Please, include the following documents:

  • Title page: where specific information about the article and the author or authors is provided. This must be provided as a separate file to assure anonimity. Please verify that file's metadata are anonymous as well.
  • The anonymized manuscript that is being submitted and additional files, in their final version, following the indications according to Article types. Please verify that file's metadata are anonymous as well.

Compliance with the appropriate methodological guidelines is strongly encouraged but not mandatory. Guidelines for several study designs may be found on the EQUATOR Network website. Once the application requirements have been met, the manusript will be sent to the Editorial Review.

Title page

To guarantee anonymity in the peer review process, it is requested to send author’s data in a separate file. The title page must include the following information:

  • Article title, which is recommended to be brief and descriptive. If the article is written in Spanish, an English version of the title must be provided.
  • Authors' names, in the order in which they should appear in the publication, separated by a comma, and his/her affiliation indicated by a superscript without any middle space in Arabic number.
  • Author ID: It is essential that each and every one of the authors provide their ORCID identifier. For more information, go to
  • Email for all authors (MANDATORY) and Social media contact (Facebook, Twitter) may also be included (optional). Using institutional email addresses is strongly encouraged.
  • Institutional Affiliations: It is essential to indicate the institution of affiliation of each one of the authors, without resorting to the use of acronyms or acronyms or translations of the name of the institution. In addition, the country from which the institution comes must be indicated.
  • Identify the corresponding author with his/her name, address, telephone number and email.
  • Indicate source of financing; if not any, expressly indicate it.
  • Declaration of conflict of interests: in case there is not any conflict, this should be explicitly mentioned.
  • Briefly describe the collaboration or contribution of each of the authors in an additional section before the References list. It is suggested to follow the CRediT Taxonomy.
  • Acknowledgements, if any.


Authorships must comply with the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals from the ICMJE. Those recommendations state that an author must have contributed with, at least, the following activities: "Substantial contributions to the conception or design
of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND final approval of the version to be published; AND agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved", among others. Only those people who have contributed intellectually to the development of the work should appear on the list of authors. Having helped in the data collection or having participated in some technique are not by themselves sufficient criteria to appear as an author.

It is author’s responsibility to assure that all names appearing within the author’s list merit an authorship, and that no one that merits an authorship is missing from the author’s list. Changes in authorship are possible before manuscript’s acceptance but require a convincing explanation. No further changes within the authors list will be allowed once an article is accepted, a Corrigendum should be appended to the manuscript if necessary. Those cases will be solved according to COPE guidelines.

The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that all co-authors meet the authorship requirements and each of them agrees to be in contact with the corresponding author. Each and every one of the authors must agree that the corresponding author will be solely responsible for submitting the manuscript to the journal and for communication with the Editorial team. In submitting the manuscript, it is assumed that each of the authors has had full access to all study data and assumes full and public responsibility for the completeness and accuracy of the data analysis.

In the case of collective authorship, the name of the editors or persons in charge of the work will be included followed by "and the group ..." when all members of the group are considered co-authors of the work. If you want to include the name of the group, even if not all its members are considered co-authors, the responsible authors will be mentioned followed by "on behalf of the group ..." or "by the group ...". In any case, the names and institutions of the group members will be included in an Appendix at the end of the manuscript. The authors will state and declare that they have read and approved the manuscript; and that the requirements for authorship have been met. The Journal declines any responsibility for possible conflicts derived from the authorship of the works published in it.


Authors' affiliations must correspond to where the reported study was actually performed. Affiliation changes thereafter should be mentioned in a footnote. Unaffiliated authors should indicate the legend "Independent researcher" followed by their city and country of residence.


The abstract should be written in an understandable way so that the reader can find in it a concise and adequate synthesis of the work. If the article is written in Spanish, an English version of the abstract must be provided. Abstracts should not include bibliographic citations or use acronyms except when they are essential for the conciseness of the writing. Maximum length is described in the Article types section. Abstracts may be structured with the following sections:

  1. Introduction
  2. Methods
  3. Results
  4. Discussion
  5. Conclusion


At the end of each abstract, three to six keywords should be provided, which should be separated by semicolons; this will be used for indexing purposes. It is recommended to use MeSH terms. While submitting the manusctipt, please be sure that keywords are introduced one by one, and not together as a single string.

Technical requirements

For manuscript submission, the following technical criteria must be taken into consideration:

  • All contributions must be written in a word processor, without a password and without track changes mode.
  • The writing must be doble-spaced, in letter size paper (21.5 x 28 cm), with margins of 2.5 cm, in 12-point Courier New font.
  • Files in PDF format (texts or tables) are not accepted.
  • The manuscripts should not contain any information that reveals the identity of the authors, this is required to ensure an anonymous evaluation by the academic peers. The author’s information must be provided on the title page that is submitted as a separate file from each manuscript.
  • Pages and lines should be numbered consecutively, with the page number being in the lower right corner.

Artificial intelligence tools

Using artificial intelligence to create and/or edit text, images, or any other component of submitted manuscripts is allowed but must be disclosed under the Ethical Considerations subheading. It must be clearly specified which parts of the manuscript were edited or generated using artificial intelligence. The prompts employed to generate any part of the manuscript must be submitted as supplementary material. Inclusion of the software tools within the authors list is not permitted.


The Vancouver citation style is used by the journal. References must be listed in order of appearance in the text, in superscript (without parentheses, without spaces, separated with commas, and with hyphens when there are more than two consecutive ones.

Only the materials effectively cited in the body of the submitted document should be indicated. Care should be taken to integrate into this section the references included in tables, graphs, and images. In the case of electronic references, care must be taken that their links are active. All references should include the DOI or URL source, when available. The use of a reference manager software is encouraged, but not mandatory.


The figures legends should appear in an additional section before the References list with Arabic numerals (i.e. "Figure 1. Description"). Abbreviations with their explanaition should be placed at the legend. Figures must be sent separately in high resolution tiff or jpg format (at least 300 dpi). Photographs of anatomical pieces should preferably have a black background. Photographs in which identifiable patients appear must be accompanied by written permission for publication, granted by the patient (see Authors' responsibilities).

To give people with disabilities access to the content of all figures, please comply with the following: 1) All figures have descriptive captions, so blind users could use a text-to-speech software or a text-to-Braille hardware; and, 2) Patterns are used instead of or in addition to colors, so color-blind users could be able to distinguish visual elements.


Tables should be elaborated in word processor or spreadsheets. The submission of tables in image format is not accepted. The heading will consist of the number of the table in Arabic numerals, followed by the title according to the order of appearance in the text (i.e.: "Table 1. Description"). The Tables legends should appear in an additional section before the References list with Arabic numerals. Abbreviations and their definition should be placed at the legend. 

Supplementary material

It is suggested to include only those materials that are essential for understanding the manuscript. If this is not the case, and there is more extensive data of interest to readers, authors are encouraged to deposit them in a data repository and provide the respective DOI or URL to be linked electronically.


Every person or institution who contributed to the reported studies but does not meet authorship criteria should be listed in the Acknowledgements section, before the References list. It is author's responsibility to assure that every acknowledged person is aware and agreed of the acknowledgement. This section should be included in the Title Page to assure anonimity.

Conflicts of interest

Authors must disclose any real or possible conflict of interest regarding the reported study. If there is no conflict of interest to disclose, the following statement must de included on the manuscript: "Authors of the present study have no conflict of interest to disclose". This section should be included in the Title Page to assure anonimity.


All sources of funding (sponsors, commertial entities, academic institutions) must be disclosed. The role of the funding source in any stage of the study (from study design to publication or dissemination) must be described. This section should be included in the Title Page to assure anonimity.

Copyright transfer agreement

Every article that has been accepted for publication should include a Copyright Transfer Agreement signed by the author to whom the correspondence will be addressed. The template must be signed in Spanish; an English version may be consulted here for your guidance, but it is MANDATORY to submit the Spanish version due to legal concerns. Publication of the manuscripts will not be possible if this document is not included in our records.


Any issues that are not explicitly stated on these guidelines will be solved by our Editorial Council.