Comparison of quality of life in patients with progressive supranucelar palsy and Parkinson’s disease and its impact on the caregiver


  • Elizabeth León-Manríquez
  • Salvador Velázquez-Osuna
  • Hugo Morales-Briceño
  • Humberto Calderón-Fajardo
  • Rodrigo Llorens-Arenas
  • Amin Cervantes-Arriaga
  • Mayela Rodríguez-Violante



Parkinson’s disease, progressive supranuclear palsy, quality of life, caregiver burden.


Objective: tod escribe and compare the quality of life of patients and caregiver burden in patients with a diagnosis of progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) and Parkinson disease (PD) in similar stages of severity of parkinsonism. Material and methods: a cross-sectional case-control study with patients diagnosed with progressive supranuclear palsy and Parkinson’s disease patients was carried out. The scale of quality of life European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D) and the EQ-VAS were applied to assess the quality of life of patients. The Zarit questionnaire was used to assess the caregiver burden. Results: a total of 13 patients with a diagnosis of probable PSP and 13 patients diagnosed with PD matched for gender and disease severity based on the Hoehn and Yahr were included. The EQ-VAS score was higher in PD patients compared to those with PSP (83.1% vs 61.5%, p = 0.03). The frequency of the caregiver burden was low in both groups. An 84.6% of the caregivers of PD patients did not show any burden, compared with 76.9% of the caregivers of patients with PSP. Conclusions: the quality of life is lower in patients with PSP compared to PD subjects in similar stages of motor severity. Perceived caregiver burden in both cases is low.



How to Cite

León-Manríquez, E., Velázquez-Osuna, S., Morales-Briceño, H., Calderón-Fajardo, H., Llorens-Arenas, R., Cervantes-Arriaga, A., & Rodríguez-Violante, M. (2015). Comparison of quality of life in patients with progressive supranucelar palsy and Parkinson’s disease and its impact on the caregiver. Archivos De Neurociencias, 20(2), 99–103.



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