Priority epilepsy program 39 years after its creation actions that give results
epilepsy, epilepsy program, training, epilepsy in mexicoAbstract
Introduction: 39 years after its creation, the Priority Epilepsy Program of the Mexico "PPE" has worked uninterruptedly to train first contact doctors in the country on this issue. This article shows the progress of the last five years. Methods: We have records of the activities that we have carried out in the last five years, with the mystique of work of a group of neurologists and pediatric neurologists who work in public institutions throughout the health sector of our country and now we show the medical community Results: We have trained more than a thousand doctors in different cities per year, measuring the degree of learning with pre and post training exams. The PPE has 92 comprehensive Epilepsy Care Centers (CAIE) in public institutions, spread throughout the national territory. We managed to publish 18 articles with themes of approach and treatment of epilepsy with the format of Clinical Guidelines, prepared by the coordinators of the comprehensive Care Centers for epilepsy. We carried out the first training with the NeuroECHO platform of the National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery, with PPE coordinators and epilepsy experts from the same Institute as teachers, with the endorsement of the Pan-American University and the Mexican Council of Neurology. We began the analysis of data that we have achieved with the National Registry of patients with epilepsy project with more than ten thousand registered patients, which will give us the possibility of having a situational diagnosis of epilepsy in our country. We work to disseminate and help the community in general through social networks and a free application for patients with epilepsy. Discussion and conclusions: This are an evidence synthesis article, written as a narrative review showing the work and results of a National Epilepsy Training Program.
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Leopoldo Rivera-Castaño, Horacio Sentíes-Madrid, Jesús Berumen-Jaik. Iris E. Martínez-Juárez. Guía clínica. Fármacos antiepilépticos de elección para crisis focales y generalizadas en adultos. Rev Mex Neuroc Volumen 20 - Número 2 / Marzo-Abril 2019 – ISSN: 1665-5044 pp 80-87 DOI:
Reséndiz-Aparicio JC, Padilla-Huicab JM, Martínez-Juárez IE, Hernández-Martínez G, López-Correa E, Vázquez-Juárez B, Huerta-Albarrán R, Rivera-Acuña C. Guía clínica. Fármacos antiepilépticos de elección para síndromes epilépticos y epilepsias en pacientes en edad pediátrica. Rev Mex Neuroc Volumen 20 - Número 2 / Marzo-Abril 2019 – ISSN: 1665-5044 pp 88-96 DOI:
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Matilde Ruiz-García, Mario A. Alonso-Vanegas, Sara P. Pérez-Reyes, Gerardo Quiñones-Canales, Ildefonso Rodríguez-Leyva, Héctor R. Martínez-Rodríguez, Eduardo Barragán-Pérez. Guía clínica. Evaluación prequirúrgica en epilepsia refractaria. Rev Mex Neuroc Volumen 20 - Número 2 / Marzo-Abril 2019 – ISSN: 1665-5044 pp 117-123 DOI:
María del C. Loy-Gerala, Octavio M. Ibarra-Bravo, María del R. Márquez-Estudillo, Francisco Mena-Barranco, Francisco J. Rogel-Ortiz, Sandra E. Silva-Sánchez, Hilda, Villegas-Peña, Avril Molina-García. Guía clínica. Suspensión del tratamiento crónico con antiepilépticos. Rev Mex Neuroc Volumen 20 - Número 2 / Marzo-Abril 2019 – ISSN: 1665-5044 pp 124-129 DOI:
Efraín Olivas-Peña1, Salvador Vázquez-Fuentes, Juan C. Reséndiz-Aparicio, Cesar G. Sánchez-Acosta, José Visoso-Franco, Alma M. Huerta-Hurtado, Hilda Villegas-Peña, Ramón E. Jiménez-Arredondo,Rosana Huerta-Albarrán, Blanca E.Villaseñor-Anguiano, Guadalupe Vargas-Ramírez,Joel F. Mendoza-Cruz, Jaime López-Rivera, Eduardo Palomares-Valdez y Alberto Serrano-González. Guía clínica: crisis epilépticas neonatales. Rev Mex Neuroci. 2020;21(2)(Supl):4-11
Leopoldo Rivera-Castaño, Rafael Gómez-Durán, Jesús Berumen-Jaik, Liliana Romero-Ocampo, Juan C. Reséndiz-Aparicio. Guía clínica: manejo farmacológico de la epilepsia en el anciano. Rev Mex Neuroci. 2020;21(2)(Supl):12-18
Horacio Sentíes-Madrid1, Carolina Domínguez-Rico, Efraín Olivas-Peña, José L.Oropeza-de-Alba, Yuridia L. Roque-Villavicencio, Jose L. Sosa-Hernández, Francisco A. Gutiérrez-Manjárrez ,María S. Ruiz-Ferreira, Mario A. Genel-Castillo, María A. Isunza-Torres y Juan C. Reséndiz-Aparicio. Guía clínica: uso de EEG no invasivo y vídeo-EEG en epilepsia. Rev Mex Neuroci. 2020;21(2)(Supl):19-24
Carlos G. Aguirre-Velázquez, Jesús Berúmen-Jaik, Jesús Gómez-Plasencia, Jorge Ibarra-Aguilar, Héctor R. Martínez, Octavio Martínez-Leyva, Luis A. Ocaña-Hernández, Gerardo Quiñones-Canales,Claudia Rivera-Acuña. Guía clínica: diagnóstico diferencial de la epilepsia. Rev Mex Neuroci. 2020;21(2)(Supl):25-38
Iris E. Martínez-Juárez1, Alejandro Flores-Sobrecueva, María I. Alanis-Guevara, Rafael Gómez-Duran, Victoria D. Serrano, Mario Márquez-Amaya, José A. Gien-López, Jaime I. Castro-Macías,Francisco Mena-Barranco,Idelfonso Rodríguez-Leyva. Guía clínica: epilepsia y comorbilidades psiquiátricas. Rev Mex Neuroci. 2020;21(2)(Supl):39-55
Yuridia L. Roque-Villavicencio, Francisco A. Gutiérrez-Manjarrez, José L. Sosa-Hernández, Perfecto O. González-Vargas, Angélica M. Isunza-Torres, Alicia G. Rebolledo, Sara P. Pérez-Reyes, Alejandro Miranda-González, Juan O. Villavicencio, Mario A. Alonso-Vanegas, Gersaín Trujillo-Alonso, Octavio M. Ibarra-Bravo, Alejandra Genel-Espinoza, Mario A. Genel-Castillo, Juan C. Reséndiz-Aparicio. Guía clínica: comorbilidades no psiquiátricas del paciente adulto con epilepsia. Rev Mex Neuroci. 2020;21(2)(Supl):56-64
Yamil Matuk-Pérez, Elizabeth Valencia-Solis, Norberto A. Luna-López, María del C. Loy-Gerala, María del R. Márquez-Estudillo, Sandra Silva-Sánchez, Hugo Tobón-Galicia, Gerónimo Aguayo-Leytee, Sergio Medina-Benitez. Guía clínica: aspectos sociales de la epilepsia en México. Rev Mex Neuroci. 2020;21(2)(Supl):65-71
JC Reséndiz-Aparicio, Matilde Ruiz-García, Karina Salgado-Hernández, María S. Ruiz-Ferreira, Alejandro Olmos-López, Marisela Hernández-Hernández, Avril Molina-García, Martha A. Ortiz-Villalpando, José O. Cornelio-Nieto, Eduardo Barragán-Pérez, Eunice López-Correa, Agustín E. Zambrano-Santos. Guía clínica: epilepsia y neurodesarrollo. Rev Mex Neuroci. 2020;21(2)(Supl):72-83
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January 2014-December 2021 © Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía Manuel Velasco Suárez. Open access articles under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.