Word processing in bilingualism: A scoping review based on event-related potentials





psycholingüistics, bilingualism, recognition, EEG, semantic cognition


Event-related potentials (ERP) allow for the analysis of processes involved on language comprehension with high temporal precision. Bilinguals, people who use two or more languages on their daily life, present functional patters derived from handling two or more linguistic systems. The aim of this review is to present the main ERP components involved in word recognition for bilingual people. Through a systematic search on indexed databases, 16 original research articles were selected and divided into: sub-lexical factors involved in word recognition, semantic factors, and translation processes. We found the second language learning elicits changes in cortical activity from the earliest stages of learning. Although its temporal course, compared to the first language, lags. Easiness of word processing and recognition is facilitated by factors such as morphology and phonetics, and stimuli emotionality. Nonetheless, it is concluded that, methodologically, all studies present the same characteristic pattern, which corresponds to the initial, medium, and latter moments of word recognition. Finally, we discuss new possible lines of research.


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How to Cite

Sarli, L., Diaz Abrahan, V., & Justel, N. (2023). Word processing in bilingualism: A scoping review based on event-related potentials. Archivos De Neurociencias, 28(3). https://doi.org/10.31157/an.v28i3.461



Evidence synthesis