Current Knowledge and Future Directions in Huntington’s Disease
Age at onset, Huntington disease, Htt protein, PolymorphismAbstract
Introduction: Huntington's Disease (HD) is a hereditary, neurodegenerative disorder due to abnormal repeats of the CAG triplet in the IT-15 gene. It is characterized by a triad of progressive motor, psychiatric and cognitive symptoms, resulting from striatal neuronal loss. The impact of HD in Latin America is evidenced by the prevalence rates in Maracaibo (Venezuela) and Juan de Acosta (Colombia), which are the highest recorded in the world. This contrasts with the social abandonment and the scarce intervention of local governments.
Aim: Provide an approach to the most relevant aspects of HD from its pathogenesis and associated genetic polymorphisms, to the current treatment options.
Methodology: A literature review was performed of the state of the art of prognosis and treatment strategies in HD, including the identification of different polymorphic markers in the genes coding for UCHL1, HIP1, PGC1α, GRIK2, TBP, BDNF, among others, and its associations in the evolution of the disease in the presence of abnormal CAG repeats.
Conclusion: Even though in the last decades many researchers have focused on the development of curative treatment, there is no effective therapeutic target to prevent the clinical onset of the disease or to delay its progression. Instead, current pharmacological management is palliative, the evidence to generalize the surgical approaches is insufficient. Newly, the fetal neural cell transplantation into the striatum is offered as the surgical option that provides hope for the development of a true disease-modifying treatment.
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