Subcallosal artery: Identification prior to treatment. About a case and review of the literature.


  • Marla Gallo-Guerrero San Pablo Clinic. Neurology Department, Lima- Peru
  • Diego Joya-Ruvalcaba UMAE Hospital de Pediatría Centro Médico Nacional de Occidente IMSS
  • Gil Badallo-Rivas UMAE Hospital de Pediatría Centro Médico Nacional de Occidente IMSS



anterior communicating artery, cognitive impairment, corpus callosum, fornix, subcallosal artery


The subcallosal artery is the longest perforating artery of the anterior communicating artery (AcoA). Despite its great importance and being present in 50-79% of the specimens, it is little described in the literature. It is essential to identify prior to endovascular or surgical procedures, because the lesion of this artery will produce a bilateral infarction of the subcallosal region and causing a severe cognitive impairment and alteration of anterograde memory, known as “Subcallosal amnesic syndrome”.
We present the case of a patient with a peri callosal arteriovenous malformation with identification of the Subcallosal artery prior to treatment as the only afferent. It is often difficult to identify this artery on images and its prior visualization could prevent significant sequalae in patients. We concluded that the Subcallosal artery is the most important perforating artery in the communicating artery, therefore its identification prior to treatment is essential.

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How to Cite

Gallo-Guerrero, M., Joya-Ruvalcaba, D. ., & Badallo-Rivas, G. . (2021). Subcallosal artery: Identification prior to treatment. About a case and review of the literature. Archivos De Neurociencias, 26(2), 30–33.



Case report