Socialization and Coping in Older Adults in Spanish and Hispano-American studies (2013-2020): Systematic Review


  • Nalleli Tovar Zavala Instituto de Posgrado en Psicoterapia Cognitivo Conductual. Morelia. México
  • Alain R. Rodríguez Orozco Faculty of Medical and Biological Sciences "Dr Ignacio Chávez", Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, México
  • Maria Guadalupe Campos Aguilera Institute in Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy. Morelia, Mexico



older adult, socialization, social networks, exercise, coping, perception of aging, Socialization, Social Networks, Coping, Perception of Aging


Introduction: The population in Spain and Latin America is aging and in many cases in an unfavorable socio-economic environment. The socialization of the elderly and the development of coping strategies have been desirable objectives to
improve their mental health.
Objective: To update the state of knowledge on socialization and coping strategies of the elderly in studies in Spain and Hispan America in the period between the
years 2013-2020, mainly oriented to primary health care.
Methods: Intervention and theoretical studies carried out in Spain and Hispan America in the period 2013-2020 were reviewed in the Medline, Lilacs and Scopus databases and in the Pubmed and scholar google search engines. The key words used in Spanish and English were exercise in old age, social support networks in old age, coping strategies in old age, and perception of aging.
Conclusion: The development of a positive perception of aging and stimulating the socialization of the elderly and the recognition and use of functional coping strategies decrease the impact of cognitive losses at these ages.



How to Cite

Tovar Zavala, N. ., Rodríguez Orozco, A. R., & Campos Aguilera, M. G. (2021). Socialization and Coping in Older Adults in Spanish and Hispano-American studies (2013-2020): Systematic Review. Archivos De Neurociencias, 25(4).



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